Monday, September 11, 2006


5 years ago today, I had slept in on Tuesday morning. I'd had a pretty late Monday and we were going to have our first Adult Leadershipt Team meeting that night. I was going to show up at work around 10:00 am.
Janelle called me and asked me if I was watching TV. I turned on the TV to see both towers hit, and word of the Pentagon was just beginning to spread. I just sat and watched, immediately sick to my stomach over the fact that I was feeling some of the same emotions I feel while watching Survivor and the Amazing Race.
I remember several thoughts/ questions running through my head. Some very logical, some a little different:
"It's just like a movie."
"Life is going to be different."

"I have friends and old classmates who work in New York."
"Who did it?"
"How are they going to attack next."
"Is God punishing us?"
"Is this a sign of the end times?"
"Do I need to begin stockpiling my medicine?"

As we remember this day, the tagline often used is "We will never forget..." Very true. I will not forget this day. I think this means something very different to those more closely tied to the event. Whether it was a family member or close friend. Whether it was the person who missed their flight or the person who worked in one of those buildings. Whether its a cop or airtraffic control. Today is probably a painful day of remember, reliving, and trying to continue living.

My prayers go out to those who today brings back memories that were lived out on more than just a TV set.

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