Friday, September 08, 2006

Wednesday Night Follow Up - Preventative Plumbing

On Wednesday, we focused in on those battling voices inside us... the voice of the sin nature, the enemy
the voice of the Holy Spirit, the Almighty.

Which voice is winning out? The reality is that as one voice wins out, it gains volume. As I listen to one voice over the other, I become more attuned to it.

We took time to focus on what we do with those moments when we have given in to the voice of the Sin Nature...

the 4 Rs of Repentance:
Release - Opening up to be made Right (Confession)
Restitution - Making Things Right (reference Zacheus)
Reconciliation - Making Relationships Right
Restoration - God Making You Right

Did the Holy Spirit convict you over some areas of Restitution and Reconciliation that need to take place?
Have you stepped out and obeyed?

Internal fullfillment and Peace is always in obedience.

But here's the question to consider:
How do I keep from getting to the point where I need to go through Repentance?
How can I be better set up to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit?

Several thoughts:
1. Tune into God's Word. God's word is the key. Psalm 119:9-11. Read it, meditate on it, memorize it.
2. Practice Immediate Obedience. When I know I'm hearing the voice of the Spirit, obey. Don't hesitate. Obey. Romans 13:14
3. Think through what His voice sounds like. When have you heard God speak to you? What has it sounded like? How did you hear Him? Journal what it sounds like. I have begun a practice in my journalling where I have two pens... one black, one blue. As I'm thinking through what I'm going through, I use the black pen to write down what seems to be my thoughts. With the blue pen, I write down what seems to be the thoughts that God is speaking to me. It's not a perfect science, but it is helping me discern God's voice.
4. Set Standards. This one is really simple, but so often overlooked.

What are your non-negotiable standards when it comes to:
  • Dating and Sex?
  • Entertainment?
  • Parties?
  • Friendships?

Would it be valuable to take time to sit down and think through what your standards need to be in these areas? As you do this, can I encourage you to stay away from thinking the "How Far is too Far?" way on this. Instead; pray seek out what God's word has to say, and ask the question, "How do I set myself in a place that I can stay keenly tuned to the voice and guidance of the Holy Spirit?" Keep in mind, Romans 8:9-14 (special attention to v. 12).

If you're ready to Tune more clearly into the voice of the one who lives in you, and can guide you to truth, I encourage you to take some time to dive in to this stuff.

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