Thursday, November 02, 2006

Where am I?

This morning I went to Starbucks and got a caramel Frappucino... cold is the only way I can handle caffeine.

I wore my numbers shirt from "Lost." While in the line, I chatted it up with two ladies about the previous night's episode. They started talking cinematagrophy, script writing, and camera angles. I just was sad about what happened (no spoilers here).

After I got my stuff, I walked by a balding guy in his late 40s. He had on a suit and was talking into his bluetooth hands-free device. At his side he had a razor scooter.

There was a mix of suits, guys in girls jeans, and surfer shorts in the place.

As I left, I passed an oriental family in Mickey ears.

This is the Aneheim Hilton. My home for the next few days.

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