Got this e-mail this morning from Caleb.
Maasai night at NMC is going down in the Bislow History books as one of my top most-blessed-days. God totally used you and NMC to prove to me that if He is behind something that he will make away. I was honestly planning on taking a big chunk out our support account to make this endeavor happend if our funds fell short, but it appears God has made a way. Thanks for being God's answered prayer.
The watches were intersting taking back home. They made my sending bag to heavy so I carried them on as a carry-on. Security had to thumb through them all and said that I set the record for the most watches they had seen- another praise for the Bislow History books. They ticked and beeped all the way home but we made
it w/o any problems.
I look forward to showcasing your event in the March/April-BizLowDown Newsletter.
Pressing On,
I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again... This guy is the real deal. If you haven't ever, go check out his website, and listen to one of his messages; or check out the videos from his '05 trip to Africa.
Now that we're winding down from Maasai Night, and finishing up the Silent Auction (you can still bid; go here), we place our attention on having around the clock prayer teams for his upcoming February 14-27 trip. If interested in signing up for a time slot, the calendar will be up at NMC on Sundays and Wednesdays leading into the trip, or you can e-mail me and I'll be glad to hook you up with a time.
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