Thursday, May 24, 2007

Greatest Hits -- Sitting with the Leaders around me

My "Greatest Hits" with three of the Pastors I work with...

Dave Engbrecht is likely the greatest leader I have ever been in a room with (and I went to a hear President Bush speak once; read into that however you'd like). I have seen him walk into a room full of people and bring attention, focus, and direction within a few spoken sentences. I have witnessed first-hand the significant impact and respect he has had on a people group halfway around the world. Under his leadership, a church of 100 people for 100 years has now grown into a regional church with several sister churches, and sent out countless people around the world.

Yet, the most significant moment I've ever shared with Dave was when I was June 2005, sitting in a staff meeting just after his daughter, Kim, had been in a very bad car accident. As he shared, I watched he just began to weep. Then he made the statement, "I looked at my daughter and said, 'Honey, if I could take your place in that hospital bed, I'd do it.'" I learned more from Dave Engbrecht in that moment than any of his sermons I've ever sat through.

Joe Focht is the best team captain around. Joe gets things done. I have seen him plow into some of the toughest topics with a perfect balance of grace and resolve. I have watched as he has led countless teams inside the church, and seen results that are astonishing. When he speaks, people listen. I don't know anyone who can bring multiple opinions together, give all equal voice, and yet still come to a consensus that all can be comfortable with.

Yet, the most significant moment I've ever shared with Joe was sitting over lunch at Mancino's in the spring of 2003. I was ready to quit. I had allowed the job of ministry to overcome my heart for God. I was the leader of this massive Senior High Ministry, and I wasn't sure who I was anymore. As Joe and I sat and talked, one thing became clear. In those moments, I realized how uninterested my team captain was about my professional abilities or my ministry productivity in comparison to his concern for the state of my soul. He shared from his own past struggles, challenged me toward counseling, and gave Janelle and I a paid week to go rediscover ourselves. I learned my most valuable leadership on leading teams from Joe on that day... teams consist of people.

Terry Bley is without a doubt the best Youth Minister in America. I have seen the Spirit of God do mighty things through the ministry of him. Salvations, Healings, deliverance, freedom from bondage, spiritual empowerment to the weak... There are over 100 individuals throughout the world in full-time ministry who have been significantly and personally invested in by Terry Bley. No single person has mentored me in life and occupational ministry than Terry. Our experiences in ministry together are many, and the moves of God we've experienced together are a pretty nice little resume.

Yet, the most significant moment I've ever shared with Terry was sitting in a car in California in 1999. We'd just finished a five day Purpose Driven Youth Ministry conference at Saddleback Church, and we had one night of fun before heading home. We were getting ready to head into an arcade and go crazy on some video games, and we just started talking life. In our conversation, I began to let Terry into some of the deepest, darkest spots of my past. It was that stuff that you tend to think if anybody finds out about you, you would be ruined. As we shared that time together, Terry met those moments with continued faith in me. Terry met those moments with continued hope in my future. But greatest of all, Terry met me in those moments with a deep love for me and His Savior who doesn't look at anyone for the past, but instead for their future.

Interesting how three of the most gifted and talented men I've been around did not most significantly impact me from a stage, a three-point sermon, or a strategic meeting. Instead, it was sitting at a conference table, a restaurant table, and in a car. It was in moments of vulnerability and simply "doing life together."

These are three living examples of "love wins" in my life.

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