Wednesday, June 27, 2007

5 hours to go...

Faithful blog readers, may I ask, beg, plead you to remember Janelle & myself, Brad & Kelsey Bullock, and NMC & NLF Student Ministries over the next 9 days? If you've been reading you are aware of what NYGO is all about (want more info, check here). Here's some ways you can be praying over these 10 days...
  • Health and Safety of Team.
  • Unity in Christ among team members.
  • Teachable moments.
  • Divine Appointments.
  • Boldness.
  • Wisdom.
  • Obedience.
  • No Rain!!!
  • Deepening.
  • Eyes to see as Christ sees/ ears to hear as Christ hears.
  • Pray for the leaders.
  • Great times.
  • Clear lessons and steps to take home.
It's going to be an awesome week. My posts will likely center around the NYGO experience over the next 10 days. So come along on the journey with us!!!

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