Thursday, June 21, 2007

Shane Claiborne - The Simple Way

In the circles I run with, Shane Claiborne's book Irresistable Revolution is creating quite a buzz. Shane is seeking to radically live out(he would argue regularly live out) the way of Jesus Christ. The involves a high level of activism and social justice without neglecting the call to holiness. Just to get you an idea of the guy your dealing with, he is giving away all of the proceeds from his book.

I picked up the book this afternoon. I read only two pages and was hooked. Tonight, Janelle (who is not much of a reader) inhaled 30 pages of it in no time. She's actually laid claim to the book, so I will likely dive into one of the other two books I bought today (Prayer by Philip Yancey, and God on Mute by Pete Grieg).

But the real point to this post. In doing my nightly "blog read through" I ran across this story that Shane's ministry (The Simple Way) was dealt a major blow when their Community Center in Philadelphia. Shane also lost all of his personal belongings.

You can read the full story, and see how to donate to the rebuilding efforts at The Simple Way's website here.

My heart breaks for Shane and the ministry. At the same time, it's always amazing to see the Church respond in times of tragedy and great need. I'm excited to see what happens in this situation, and believe we are going to see grace, mercy, and provision in an awesome way.


Phil Strahm said...

I felt like I could've made this same post.

I'm halfway through the Irresistible Revolution. Great Stuff. Challenging stuff. Motivating and Emotional.

I heard him speak twice this past week at Ichthus, once in an intimate group of youth workers and the other in front of several hundred. He is definitely a speaker who uses personal stories of transformation and scripture....nothing else!

He also let out a secret of the new book he's writing...the title is JESUS FOR PRESIDENT

I think the Simple Way we see a lot of love come their way...and it will be an awesome example of love.

Christoph Roberts said...
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Christoph Roberts said...
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Christoph Roberts said...

There's a customer review of this book that's well worth reading on It's by someone who calls himself "PK Keith". PK calls the book "deeply flawed" and spends a couple thousand words elaborating why. He doesn't say anything in his criticism that hasn't been articulated before pretty much any time somebody tries this sort of "radical" thing or simply writes about it(JPUSA, "The Other Side" magazine, Sojourners magazine and Jim Wallis, etc.). But (providentially, perhaps??) there is a reply to PK by Steve Sjogren (author of another book worth reading called "Conspiracy of Kindness"; I think Sjogren is from a Vineyard Fellowship background). [Are you deep enough in the layers of this web yet]. Anyhow, Sjogren's reply to PK is absolutely priceless. PK's many criticisms of the book may have some validity, but it is people like PK--those who would rewrite Jesus' parable of the sheep and goats to say things like "I was thirsty and you did not teach me sound theological doctrine... depart from me!!"--firing their stones at the "doers" of the word like Claiborne, who give evangelical Christianity a bad name. [by the way, the irony that all i'm doing is sitting here critiquing pk's critique is not lost on me]

KLantz said...

funny cuz i just ordered this book...i've had 4 people very recently tell me i had to read it.

i want to talk to you soon and catch up but i also know it's a crazy time so i will just pray in the meantime.