Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Stupid Shirts Advancing the Kingdom

I love those who dream, think outside the box, and then make a difference...

Yesterday, I stumbled across randomshirts.com
Here's a little sampling of the shirts they offer:

The more I explored their site, the more I fell in love.
They offer some great looking posters... I especially loved the Bible Series posters.
They've got some hilarious videos.

So, they're random, creative, and hilarious. But, here's the cool part, go to their "about us" page and you'll read this...

Shaun and I were both involved in helping out with the youth at our local church and had worked a couple summers at a youth camp called Sky Ranch. We both found so much joy in giving to others that we decided from the beginning that we would use part of our company to help other people. Our mission is very simple…

“To impact the world through business by generating money for those in need.”

Yes, Random Shirts is our job and we have a salary that we pay ourselves, but we do dedicate a part of each shirt sold to various groups in need. It has been fun to watch Random Shirts help a friend adopt a baby from China, help a church plant in California, and our friend from earlier, Paul, with his internship at Grace Bible Church in College Station, TX.

One thing we are trying to drill in our students' heads is that no matter where they go, or what they choose to do, they are called to full-time ministry. I love that some goodwill t-shirt junkies have found a way to advance the kingdom in a very meaningful way...

I bought some shirts today.

Here's some of my questions I found myself asking...
  • What if some students tried the same thing... stupid shirts, and all profits go toward some place of need?
  • Is it possible that two T-shirts geeks are having a more profound impact for the kingdom than many full-time ministers?
  • How is your occupation fulfilling your call into full-time ministry?


Phil Strahm said...

I found this website a year ago or two. I think they advertise in Relevant Magazine.

This site is better than the shirts in most christian bookstores where they take a Reese's Cups logo or Coca-Cola or John Deere logo and change the words. Those are cheesy and unoriginal!

Jeffrey Simpson said...

Funny... I ended up buying some after you told me about it last night. The Dyslexia one was really fun at one in the morning, but maybe too riske.

Anonymous said...

Love the Calvinism shirt! Too funny!