Thursday, August 30, 2007

My Green Day

No, not the band. We had some long overdue landscaping and yard work to do.

I despise yard work. It is truly a chore and not a release for me... normally. Today was very different.

A common stop on my Ipod is the Mars Hill Bible podcast (mp3 downloads available for non-itunesers here). This Summer they did a series called "God is Green." It was a look at the connections between God and creation, the issues of the environment, and a Christ Follower's responsibility to care for it.

Honestly, There was plenty about this series that felt a little "overboard" to me... BUT I was challenged all the same.
One of my big takeaways was from Rob Bell's teaching concerning the connection between being in God's Creation and connection with God. The basic thought was presented in this scenerio...

We wake up in our house that takes air from outside and runs it through a man-made machine which makes it cooler or warmer. We get into our car which does the same thing with the air. We walk into a building for school or work that does the same thing. We go back to the car, back into the house. In an average day we spend so little time interacting with Creation, and we say, "God just feels so distant." Maybe our lack of interaction with the Created has something to do with our connection to the creator??

Today, as I worked in our yard, it was some of the best time I've spent with God in months.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I also listened to a couple of these teachings while working in the yard! I love the way some pastors and teachers can present such a controversial issue very simply (so I get it). Mars Hill seems to have that effect on me. They can take a "political" issue like the environment and help me realize what my roll could and should be without making me feel angry, guilty, or defensive. It just helps remind me that we need to glorify Him in everything we do.

Just started reading your blog. Frequent reader of Corey Mann's. Great job and keep it coming!

Living between the Trees,

B-Rad from Mishawaka