Thursday, October 18, 2007

A great Morning of emails

I'm working today. Thursdays tend not to be the best email days. It seems to be the time that "issues" emails are sent. I normally don't get them till Friday.
This is one of the most dreaded aspects I have when coming in on a Thursday morning. I'm already tired, and still worked up about the previous night...
Did kids get it?
Are we accomplishing anything?

Well, this morning was a HUGE breath of fresh air, as I had two messages from NMC students who are currently in College.

The first from Ben, who graduated in 2005. Here's an excerpt...
I have been asked by IWU and the Religion Department to lead a trip to Malawi next June. I'll be taking 14 people from IWU and ministering to those in Malawi and a large orphanage there. We'll be working alongside a program there aimed at bringing economy and microbusinesses to that region. It's exciting, and I know it's where God's placed me for now.

The second is from a Audrey who graduated last year. She is at IU where she has found out her roommate was an athiest. We talked before she left about ways to best share her faith with her roomate. An excerpt to this email...
I just wanted you to know that the year is going so so well, and our relationship is growing so strong. We talk so much about things that really matter, and she is finally seeing the difference between a real Christian and the ones that she has had horrible experences with in the past. Thank you for the reminder that Love Wins. I have locked 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 in my heart and am trying to live by it everyday.

Then this afternoon, Andrew, who graduated last year set up a time to meet tomorrow so we can talk about a heart for Romania that continues to build in him.

I love hearing back from students who are taking the next steps in their lives. That's when you can see if what your doing has any "stickiness" to it.

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