Saturday, October 27, 2007

I've Never - The Prayer Edition

Yesterday at a Youth Workers luncheon, my friend Brad said the word "brisk" in reference to the weather while praying. This brought about a discussion around the table concerning words or phrases we've never used in prayer. Here's 10 I can think of...
  1. arm pit
  2. crossbow
  3. porridge
  4. burrow
  5. autonomous
  6. frothy
  7. labradoodle
  8. anagram
  9. Pi
  10. antidisestablishmentarianism


TheThinker said...

Walt Whitman - Song of Myself

"The scent of these arm-pits aroma finer than prayer,"

As one of my profs would say, "Hey whoa man, yeah man, hey whoa!"

Chad A. Loucks said...

I laughed out loud. You're silly!