Saturday, October 20, 2007

Over the past 48...

Some things I've witnessed over the past 48 hours:

The Heartbreak - Sitting at the church as family after family has come in to grab a hot meal, get a shower, pick up some food and supplies, or get this, offer their help to others. Hearing their stories. "We lost everything has" has been uttered a few too many times in our hallways over the past 48 hours.

The Disgusting - A guy stopped in to the church today and was frustrated that he and his buddy had traveled from "far away" and couldn't get out with their chainsaws to "help out." He was very upset that he had been warned that he would be ticketed or arrested if he didn't leave.
Sympathetic to his frustration, Janelle ran over to get someone info from the Red Cross on how he could go about volunteering in an acceptable manner. While Janelle was gone, this guy continued to explain that "far away" meant he had traveled all the way from Warsaw. He then said, "I've got $400 dollars in new equipment out there I was thinking to use. I mean, I wouldn't even charge these people to cut down their trees as long as they let me take the wood, or I'd charge them much less that most companies."
This is just one example of some of the disgusting situations I've encountered over the past 48 hours.

The Heroes - Frank and Carole are from Florida. They've spent time in Haiti as missionaries. Since then, they've been traveling and living out of their RV. They had stopped at Newmar to get some repair work done. When the tornado hit, they decided to stick around. Carole has recently had significant surgery that makes it difficult to move and impossible to lift anything. Today, they were at the church for 6 hours helping collect and distribute donations. They are embody the many amazing servants I have encountered over the past 48 hours.

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