Sunday, December 30, 2007

Nearing an end

My apologies for a real lack of posting. The fact that I stepped back on my role with the conference in a larger sense has freed up a lot of time for me to be hanging with students. That's the good part.
For you, the parents and readers, it has also taken me away from my time around the computer.

We have had a great time here this week.
The theme of Transformation has really struck a cord with our students.

Friday Night's session was about Transformation in our Hearts.
Our speaker, Stacy Foster shared his testimony with us and made the challenge through this statement: "God doesn't make winners or losers, he makes choosers". 2 of our students went forward to make a recommitment to Christ.

This Morning's session was about Transformation in our Actions.
Stacy shared the story of Saul's demise in I Samuel 15. The call was to make sure we are willing to "kill the good" in our life that is keeping us for fully living for Christ. Many students responded in recognition that they had something that they saw as "good" in their life that was being kept from God. Very awesome stuff.

Tonight's session was about Transformation in our Relationships.
It was most specifically about sexual purity. It was some great teaching. Again, many of our students responded to confess sexual immorality and/or to say they will seek out accountability.
We spent some time together as a youth group. At the close of the time, I asked the students to raise their hand if they had an area where they had been challenged in their walk with God AND a step they knew they needed to take in obedience. 90% of the students raised a hand.

We've laughed a lot. We've played a lot. We've worshiped a lot. We've slept very little.
God is good!

oh, and in case you're curious, my seminar went great. Three conversations after I dismissed clearly confirmed that God had a purpose in providing this opportunity to share.

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