Wednesday, January 30, 2008

India Snapshots 2 - Unity

  • 220 individuals from Northeast India traveled just under 30 hours by bus to be a part of the camp. Those 220 were crammed into 5 busses that had 28-30 seats. You can do the math and see how it doesn't add up. Talking with one of those brave travelers, he explained how he loved taking the journey crammed together, singing songs, playing games and praying together. I thanked him for his sacrifice of comfort to come. He didn't understand why I was thanking him.
  • The Caste system in India is still alive in much of India. The church has made great efforts to keep this from being evident in the church. When it's been ingrained in your culture, this is hard to do (think American Church and consumerism). Add in the significant generation gap that is taking place between 40+ and the 40 under crowd. Also the difference lifestyle between those living in the city and those in tribal regions. Yet, on multiple moments during the family camp, I saw individuals sharing and praying together that would most likely not except for Christ.
  • The Denominational lines are much less obvious in India. Many pastors of the Missionary Church were trained at the Assembly of God School in Calcutta. Dr Pronoy Sarkar (president of Missionary Church in India) worked hand in hand with Mother Teresa. I guess when you are truly waging war against darkness, you find common ground with those loyal to Jesus Christ.

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