Sunday, March 02, 2008

Nightline Facoff - The Great Porn Debate

Nightline is in the midst of doing a series called American Faceoff where opposing sides debate hot topics in American culture. The first debate, "Nightline Face-Off: Does God Exist?" had Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron of Way of the Master facing off against two members of The Rational Response Squad.

As stated in a previous post, I sighed a lot during the first debate. I felt Kirk and Ray's presentation and approach left a lot to be desired. It was much less about the actual presentation than the approach and attitude taken.

The second debate aired last night... Is America Addicted to Porn featured two individuals from the Porn industry verses Craig Gross and Donny Pauling from As a ministry, I find xxxchurch to be doing some significant work to get accountability to those wanting it, and offer help and assistance to those trapped in the porn business and wanting out. At the same time, there has been some steps they've taken that seem to be a little more for "show" than for ministry.

All said and done, watching this debate was very interesting. I admire Craig Gross for his gracious approach. I also admire him for going into an environment where he is clearly in the minority. I admire the fact that he seems to ooze with compassion and graciousness. I'm not sure Craig and Donny could say they walked out of that debate feeling they had won the crowd over, but I think anybody watching had to take time to ask some serious questions.

Watching the debate made me ask a lot of questions... Personally, culturally, and ministerially (is that a word)? The clear overconsumption and easy accessibility to pornography is a significant issue that the church has to continue to engage.

Warning, the debate is often bleeped, but is very much Rated R in some parts.

You can see the 10 part video debate here.

1 comment:

Sandi Krakowski said...
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