Wednesday, March 05, 2008

On Fire Rallies - Last minute Changes

Last night at the On Fire Rallies, Caleb changed messages just seconds before he dove in.
Ironically, on Monday Night Caleb talked about the need to Listen to and obey the voice of God. After worship, as we were getting ready to roll with the message, there was a spirit of fear that was just thick in the room (pardon my charismatic/mystical talk but hey, it's real stuff, so get over it!). It was very clear that we weren't ready to go where Caleb was planning to take us on the night. But, we had a Baal Perazim moment last night!

It was interesting how many were unable to be there last night. But, the more I've processed, the more I'm convinced that the right individuals were in attendance. One more night. I believe we have some big things in store for tonight.

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