Monday, March 24, 2008

Undisclosed Location

I'm about to hit the road with my two comrades Jason Thompson and Chris Lehane. For the next 30 hours we will be taking some time at an undisclosed location. We're extremely excited about this little trip because...
  1. We are going to get a little time together to connect, dream, pray, and share where God is stirring in us.
  2. This location has something to do with an exciting new opportunity for NMC Student Ministries.
  3. The location itself is just pretty awesome.
I should have internet access over this time, so more posts are likely; but as for this "undisclosed location," that's about all your going to hear about for now.


Corey Mann said...

May your time away be filled with fun, festivities, fellowship, food, something fried, and fun.

tdl said...

We're excited to be hosting you all here at Bethel!

