When I was at Bethel College, a missionary spoke in our chapel services. He told the story of a young man who approached him with confusion concerning the role he could play in global missions. The young man said, "I don't have much money to give. I don't feel called to go. I guess all all I can do is pray."WE (the Church) are a force to be reckoned with. What are you doing to engage in this revolution that is happening worldwide? Maybe it's time to become intentional in our prayer.
The missionary looked at the young man and said, "You know, that's like hearing a soldier who is about to go into battle say, 'Well I have this rifle that doesn't have any ammo. I have a grenade that doesn't work. I do have this Intercontinental Ballistic Missle. I guess I'll use that.'"
Here are a few resources to assist in praying for the Church...
www.persecution.com - Voice of the Martyrs is a great ministry that brings attention to those who are counted worthy of suffering for the sake of Christ.
www.joshuaproject.net - This site is dedicated to research and awareness concerning unreached people groups. There is days worth of information and research on this site to give you direction on praying for those who have not heard.
Google Earth - This program has revolutionized my prayer life. I love flying to different places I've been and remember to pray for people, churches, and causes. Joshua project has a cool app that allows you to see the location and religious affiliation of people groups all over the world.
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