Saturday, December 20, 2008

Movie Time: 7 Pounds

Janelle and I went out on a date Friday Night. We both enjoy Will Smith. He's a good actor. He's funny and versatile.

The movie should maybe be called 7 minutes... that's the amount of time it took me to figure out the entire mysterious plot line.

This movie was disappointing on many levels.
Very depressing.
Far from a redemptive nature to the story.

I cannot recommend this movie. In fact I would recommend not watching this movie; not even renting it.

At least I was able to enjoy a night out with my lovely wife. The popcorn was good too.

*edit* two things to note. First, Janelle liked the movie. Second, my beef is that the movie attempts to have a redemptive storyline... I just felt it failed miserably in its attempt.


Rob said...

Wow...that's about as scathing a review as I've seen from you!

The wife and I also had a date night on Friday, and had planned on seeing "7 Lbs.", but timing was wrong and we ended up at the dollar theater and watched "Eagle Eye" instead....looks like we made the right choice....Popcorn there was bad, though...

Corey Mann said...

Ok, I'm going to take your word on this one. But if I rent this in a couple of months and like and I will have words.

Anonymous said...

This was THE most depressing movie I have ever watched in my entire life. My husband and I also had a date night to see this movie and it was so dark it left a cloud hanging over us the rest of the evening. My sister lost her only son in a car accident like the one in the movie and I immediately called her and told her not to see it. I thought this was a movie about helping others, I had no idea it involved someone selfishly taking themselves out of this world due to guilt. This movie would have been much better had Will Smith's character been dieing of some illness himself and therefore looking for others to help because of his impending death. I wish I could get my money back! I'll tell everyone I know NOT to see this movie.