Monday, January 19, 2009


(I think I used that statement right)

Just got done seeing Kayla Courtney at Riley Hospital in Indianapolis. Kayla was in a serious car accident on January 3. She's gone through 4 significant surgeries since that accident. You can read the progression at her caring bridge journal.

What I witnessed today was a gal filled with determination and focus. I watched as the nurses helped her up and she made two laps around the ICU wing at a pretty impressive walking pace... especially considering her body was fighting severe infection within the past 48 hours. She followed that up with stretching exercises. The nurse commented that Kayla is the most determined gals she'd ever worked with.

As I talked with her afterward, I also witnessed a 16 year old gal who was absolutely exhausted, uncomfortable and in a level of pain. YET, she was all smiles, and incredibly gracious. I made it clear that she didn't need to be tough for me, and that she could rest all she wanted.

To sum it up, I just got my butt kicked by a 16 year old. I'm so quick to whine about a busy week or get frustrated when plans don't line up, or start cussing under my breath because the semi is driving down the left lane through Kokomo (I mean, theoretically speaking, of course). I cry "Woe is me!" over the most petty things.

Thanks Kayla, for reminding me the truth in the statement "Life is 10% what happens to you, and 90% how you respond to it."

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