Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Long Time Away...

It has been several years since Janelle and I have been to a Bethel Basketball game at Bethel College. We went to the Bethel/ Taylor game today. Several personal highlights from the day...
  • Seeing NMC students Kory Lantz and Ryne Lightfoot play (and play quite well I might add).
  • NMC intern Geoff Cocanower emceeing the halftime activities... knocked it out of the park. He's great.
  • NorthWood Pep band played. Several NMC students in that band. They did great.
  • Able to connect with several NMC students currently attending BC.
  • An unexpected run-in with Kalyn, one of Katylynn's namesakes.
  • Time with family (mom/dad/robby/jeanie/sydney).
  • After the game dinner with Robby & Jeanie as well as former NMC student Anne and her husband Joel.
  • After the game grandma, grandpa, and cousin sydney time for Katylynn.
All in all a great day with a classic Bethel/Taylor B-ball game.*

*Classic Bethel B-ball game means Taylor slows the game down to a Jr. High Girls scoring pace. About halfway through the second half, Bethel gets up by ten. This lead, usually close, is insurmountable considering the score with 10 minutes to go is 36-26. Coach Patterson (in his 120th year of coaching) from Taylor makes a grumpy face, and the minutes and seconds tick off until Bethel rises victorious, approx. 50-40.


Mark Davidhizar said...

Your observation of a ture Bethel vs. Taylor game was spot on. I have never seen a game between these two schools get over the 75 point mark. Wish I as there yesterday

Rob said...

From a TU alum, I wish I could dispute your account..but that's pretty accurate...and Patterson has been there forever...but they used to be really good back when I was there....I think they still used peach baskets then...