Thursday, January 15, 2009

Make Thyself Known

Faithful blog reader,

I did this about 18 months ago, but it is time for a little role call. It also tells me there are readers dropping in from the East and West Coast. There's even people coming from foreign places like Kentucky (sorry Dan, I had to).

So, I throw down the challenge... Identify yourself by answering the following:

What is your name?
Where are you from?
How did you find the blog?
Why do you read?
(optional) What would you like to see posted here at the blog?


Greg said...

Greg Simmons
Rock Hill, SC
Recommendation from a friend
You provide good content and food for thought.

Dan said...

Ain't no problem. Can't hardly reed what yer ritin' anyways. But I do like the pertty pictures.

I read cause I'm interested in the lives of my friends, and because I can't figure out how to delete feeds from Google Reader...

Dan said...

Actually, there has never been a more true statement than Kentucky being foreign to Indiana (and vice versa). People in Indiana think that Kentucky is "the South" and people in Kentucky think that Indiana is "the North." The truth is, neither one of those statements is true. I actually had someone here ask me what part of Canada I'm from because my "accent" is so thick. Seriously? These two states border one another, but you'd think they were a world apart. Okay, done ranting.

Anonymous said...

Aunt Jackie
Don't remember.
Because I love you and it's the best way to know what's going on in your life.
You are doing a great job. Proud to say you are my nephew.

Rhonda Schrock said...

Rhonda Schrock, Wakarusa, Indiana. I got started reading the blog when I had a kiddo on Impact. You are very faithful about posting updates, which parents really like.

Plus, you're funny and it helps me keep my finger on the pulse of our youth group.

TC said...

Tom Carpenter
Fishers, IN
You were my boss / ym mentor
I read because I love your creativity. It inspires me to think more out of the box in all areas of life.
I would like to read about how you go about and get motivated to pursue personal discipleship after/during a long day of ministry prep.

Anonymous said...

Barb Snyder
New Paris, IN
I found your blog reading Rob Henschen's blog. One reason I read yours is to check out what your youth group is doing. I just enjoy reading the things you have to say.

Andrew said...

Andrew Whitehead
Waco, TX
You gave me a kidney
I want to read more about your thoughts on very large sofas

Dawn Miller said...

*Mishawaka, In
*You blurted out you blog address in a video at NMC 101, I had to check it out since I love to read blogs.
*I read your blog for variety...your blog is much more interesting than my own.
*I wish Janelle wrote on her blog more often (of course, this isn't what you asked)...she is hilarious...when she spoke at Oasis it was great...I think God is preparing her to minister (adult) women some day.

Unknown said...

Joe and Tia Bennett
Carmel Indiana
Shelley Flickingers Blog
We like to keep up with people in Northern Indiana. We love to see how God is moving and working in your church. Keep up the good work. Tell Janelle we miss her posting pics of Katylynn :)

(rescueisnotamyth) said...

Kaylyn Bussard
Elkhart, IN
Youth Group
Youtube Tuesdays... and Youth group updates. :D

Robby Prenkert said...

-Elkhart and Bethel College
-I've no idea, but now I access it from the link on my blog.
-I'm a professional reader.