Wednesday, January 14, 2009

NMC Student Ministries A-Z

A - Alison Gingrich: Senior High Intern. In her third year working with NMC.
B - Bible: Fairly essential tool for health in our ministry.
C - Chris Lehane: Our Jr High Pastor. Great man of God. Horrible blogger.
D - Derry: That's me, Student Ministries captain and Senior High Pastor.
E - Entertainment: Often viewed as a bad thing. Yet, there's a time where diversion, enjoyment, and laughter is essential. We want to have fun in what we do!
F - Fieldhouse: Home to Sr. High Wednesday Night Youth. We built it in 2003 as our dream gathering place for Senior High. We did it so well, everybody in the church loves using it!
G - GO trips: Evangelism training and inner city missions experience for Senior High students. This year it's PhillyGO (to the city of brotherly love).
H - Holy Spirit: We desire His touch and His power. We're not afraid of His move. We want to see students walking in the power and purity of the Holy Spirit.
I - IMPACT: The Senior High cross-cultural missions experience. 6 months training. 2 week trip. 2 days debrief. This Summer's team is going to El Millon and the Juarez, Mexico area (3rd straight year).
J - Junior High: Squirrely. Excited. Potential. We love them.
K - Kingdom: Our passion and desire is to connect kids to the Kingdom of God, here and now.
L - Life: It's what's kids are facing every day. Our hope and passion is to meet them right where their life is, and offer them something significant... Life in all its fullness (John 10:10)
M - Missions: A major focus. Our hope and passion is to see our students develop a heart for the nations. That's why we do Kenya Night and Rwanda Night. It's why we have IMPACT teams.
N - New Life Fellowship: One of two Video Venues of NMC (the other is Harvest Community Church). We participate in several trips together.
O - Overnighters: We used to do them on a large scale. Now we don't. Small Groups still do them because we believe it better accomplishes our mission in that format.
P - Preteens: 5th and 6th Grade Program. Led by Jason Thompson. Long term team member and good friend.
Q - Quality over Quantity. We don't look to overfill our schedule. Instead, we look to do the things we do with high quality and effectiveness toward our mission, which is...
R - Religion to Relationship to Reproducing: Our mission. Why we exist. What we're about. Relationship is how we do it.
S - Small Groups: The Life-blood of our ministry. In the Preteen program, they're called Workshops. Volunteers lead them all. Students diving into to develop relationships with a goal of life-on-life discipleship.
T - TAWG (Time Alone With God): A key element we hope to instill in every student who comes through this ministry. Develop a regular practice of getting alone with God, and you will develop healthy relationship!
U - Unashamed: We're unashamed in the fact that we love Jesus. We love Students. We believe in their potential to turn this world upside down for Jesus.
V - Vermilion, OH: Home to Jr. and Sr. High Summer Camps (JH july 6-9, 2009; SH July 10-14, 2009). Life-changing
W- Winter Retreat: Spring Hill Camp in Evart, MI. New trip on the block. A HUGE winner. Mark your calendars December 28-31, 2009... we're heading back!
X - Xtreme Team: Way back when it was the name we gave our Jr. High Wednesday Night program. 8 years ago we came up with a new and creative name, Wednesday Night Youth. That one's stuck.
Y - Youth Class: The 9:30-10:30 a.m. offering on Sunday Mornings. Diving into the word. Some great volunteers working on this. The toughest time of the week to do ministry to students.
Z - Zero: The percentage of hope or influence we have without the power and presence of God in our midst. Join me in praying that His hand will stay strong upon us as we move forward and dive into the lives of 5th-12th grade students.

1 comment:

tanklehane said...

Thanks again Derry for the great encouragement about my blog. Comments like these are what keep me blogging and make it worth it!!!