Saturday, January 03, 2009

Pray for and Encourage the Rohr Family

Tonya is one of our top-notch Small Group Leaders at NMC. On Friday, it was discovered that Tonya's 9 year old daughter Keri has a walnut sized tumor near her brain stem.
Keri and her family are currently at Riley Children's hospital awaiting a Monday morning surgery.

Jason and Rachael Thompson went down to visit them today. While there, he helped the Rohrs set up a site where individuals can keep updated as well as write a little note of encouragement.

Go here, and let Keri know that she has a ton of people praying for her. Keep in mind that she's a 9 year old as you leave you messages.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keri I miss you in class and i really hope you feel better.Kathy my mom said that we are all praying for you.I miss you sitting by me,and you laughing at my jokes,and us making glue cookies.I again hope you feel better.I hope your surgury went well.We all are hoping to see you soon aand we are not doing the gift exchange because we voted to wait on you.! -KARLY- ps your my bff (: