Saturday, January 24, 2009

A-Z: Movies

A more or less stream of conscious list of 26 movies I would recommend A-Z...

A - August Rush. Allow reality to be suspended for a moment and get lost in the music and the story.
B - BIG. Watching it at age 30 spoke to me in a much deeper manner than it did at age 12. The irony at age 12 was that I was ticked he decided to be young again. At age 30, it was a great ending!
C - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Vintage Depp. Funny, strange, and imaginatively entertaining.
D - Dead Poets Society. I think it was the first movie to ever move me to tears. Absolutely amazing performance by Robin Williams.
E - Elf. Read what I said with the movie above.
F - Fellowship of the Ring. My favorite of the three Lord of the Rings Movies. Now that I've thrown this on the list, know that I recommend The Two Towers and Return of the King as well. If you are somehow not human and haven't seen these movies, lock yourself in a room, get the extended versions, and go crazy.
G - Gross Pointe Blank. Big fan of John Cusack. Again, this appeals to my dark humor side.
H - Hotel Rwanda. There are movies that are great because they are wildly entertaining, then there are movies that are great because of the profound and/or powerful message they bring to the screen. This movie is not fun to watch, but it is absolutely worth watching.
I - In the Name of the Father. 90s Daniel Day-Lewis drama. If you haven't seen it, it's an intriguing look into recent Irish history.
J - John Q. Denzel being Denzel. It creates some pretty tough
K - King of Kong: A Fist Full of Quarters. A Documentary on the world of competitive gaming and classic arcade world records.
L - Last of the Mohicans. Daniel Day-Lewis makes his second appearance. Intense, passionate and I love movies from colonial times.
M - Meet the Parents. The sequel really stunk. But the original is funny... painfully funny.
N - Napolean Dynamite. I didn't laugh much the first time I watched it. When it was done, I said out oud, "That was really funny." The second time I watched it, I was rolling. One of the best endings to a movie.
O - The Outsiders. Tons of stars before they were stars (Tom Cruise, Matt Dillon, Patrick Swayze, Rob Lowe, etc.) A great story on
P - The Pursuit of Happyness. Will Smith is excellent. Great story of hope. His son is pretty fantastic too.
Q - Quantum of Solace. I actually haven't seen it yet, but I can't think of a single movie I could recommend that starts with Q.
R - Raiders of the Lost Ark. The original Indiana Jones. The best Indiana Jones. I think it's the first movie I watched on our new VCR.
S - Saving Private Ryan. I toss up this movie and The Lord Of the Rings Trilogy as my top movie of all time. Not an easy movie to watch, but an incredibly profound movie with a historical perspective that makes me greatly appreciate my grandfather's generation.
T - The Truman Show. I think it's Jim Carey's best movie. If you saw it when it cam out, watch it again realizing it was released before the entrance of network reality shows, it's a little freaky.
U - U2 3D. Simply the band in concert. Not sure how this works on the small screen, but it was great on the big screen.
V - Victory. Stallone and Pele? Good old prison sports movie.
W - What's Eating Gilbert Grape? Depp and DiCaprio before they were both big time.
X - X2: X Men United. X doesn't have a ton of movies to choose from. So I'll go with this one... my personal favorite of the 3.
Y - Young Guns 2. Liked it better than the first one. Maybe because I loved the soundtrack Jon Bon Jovi did with it.
Z - Zoolander. Not great. But Z is a tough letter.

1 comment:

AustinHoss said...

I'm sure by Dead Poet's Society you meant The Dark Knight. What other movie could you really put for D. It's a common mistake and I forgive you.