I watched it by myself in the theater, so we rented it last night for Janelle's viewing pleasure and I joined in. It was still fantastic viewing the 2nd time through.
It's a tough movie to watch in sections due to some violent sequences involving kids. Why I would encourage a traditionally "R" audience (age 17 and up) to watch it is due to the fact that, although it is not a true story, the issues facing many children on the streets of India's massive cities are very real.
As I watched the movie, I found myself considering the manner at which I go into my viewing of entertainment. I can think of 3 possible attitudes I will take...
The #2 (stop for a potty humor reference...) attitude is what I was taught growing up (especially in church). It was a good thing to be taught. Media has significant influence on us. There are lies laced all through the messages overtly and covertly. There is sin depicted on screens and in song that a follower Christ really needs to just avoid. I personally avoid any movie that contains strong sexuality/nudity in it, because I want to guard my heart against seeing women as an object, and I want to honor what was meant to be enjoyed in a married couple. But, if it was all I was taught, it would be incomplete though. I RARELY (the times I do watch are very much due to #3 attitude) watch the horror movies that will rejoice in and take lightly the spiritual realm. Like I said, this is a good approach, but if left to itself, it's incomplete. If I watch or listen to something depicting sin, I am not necessarily sinning (if it was sin, I shouldn't read the Bible).
This is where #3 comes in. Entertainment is not just "entertainment" when taking on this attitude. It is something more. It is looking at art and seeing it's message. It's considering how the echoes of our creators voice are resonating through a storyline. It may even take on a worshipful approach. But the ultimate goal is not simply entertainment... it's something more... education, illustration or inspiration are just a few things that one can pull out.
It's very possible to take an element of all 3 attitudes together when listening or watching. but what's your primary attitude in entertainment? If it's solely #1, you'd be wisest to put attitude #2 into action before partaking. If it's Solely #2, you probably have guarded yourself well against becoming "of the world", but you may be missing out on some great opportunities to engage in this world for the sake of the Kingdom.
If it's solely #3, lighten up every once in while! Laugh a little and enjoy. There are seasons you know...
It's a tough movie to watch in sections due to some violent sequences involving kids. Why I would encourage a traditionally "R" audience (age 17 and up) to watch it is due to the fact that, although it is not a true story, the issues facing many children on the streets of India's massive cities are very real.
As I watched the movie, I found myself considering the manner at which I go into my viewing of entertainment. I can think of 3 possible attitudes I will take...
- Blind Entertainment - Turn my brain off. Get lost in the movie, tv show, or song. Laugh, cheer, cry, and enjoy the story, song, or pictures unfolding before me.
- Sin Conscious - The constant questioning of, "Should I be watching or listening to this? Is this truly something that I should be finding entertainment in?" This is the "garbage in/garbage out" mentality.
- Student - I'm listening or watching for the redemptive moments. I'm educating myself on a genre, topic or popular trend that can make me more "aware". I'm looking for moments or situations that could generate conversation.
The #2 (stop for a potty humor reference...) attitude is what I was taught growing up (especially in church). It was a good thing to be taught. Media has significant influence on us. There are lies laced all through the messages overtly and covertly. There is sin depicted on screens and in song that a follower Christ really needs to just avoid. I personally avoid any movie that contains strong sexuality/nudity in it, because I want to guard my heart against seeing women as an object, and I want to honor what was meant to be enjoyed in a married couple. But, if it was all I was taught, it would be incomplete though. I RARELY (the times I do watch are very much due to #3 attitude) watch the horror movies that will rejoice in and take lightly the spiritual realm. Like I said, this is a good approach, but if left to itself, it's incomplete. If I watch or listen to something depicting sin, I am not necessarily sinning (if it was sin, I shouldn't read the Bible).
This is where #3 comes in. Entertainment is not just "entertainment" when taking on this attitude. It is something more. It is looking at art and seeing it's message. It's considering how the echoes of our creators voice are resonating through a storyline. It may even take on a worshipful approach. But the ultimate goal is not simply entertainment... it's something more... education, illustration or inspiration are just a few things that one can pull out.
It's very possible to take an element of all 3 attitudes together when listening or watching. but what's your primary attitude in entertainment? If it's solely #1, you'd be wisest to put attitude #2 into action before partaking. If it's Solely #2, you probably have guarded yourself well against becoming "of the world", but you may be missing out on some great opportunities to engage in this world for the sake of the Kingdom.
If it's solely #3, lighten up every once in while! Laugh a little and enjoy. There are seasons you know...
Interestingly, the term "amusement" literally means "turning the brain off," that is "muse" for the ancient Greek idea that our thoughts come from gods or “muses” and “a” for the negation (as in a-theist). I’m sure Robby could tell us more about this fact and how it relates to your #1.
my head hurts....I just wanna watch a movie....
Nice post, DP...and great movie. Even with the violence, the story of lost and found love against seemingly insurmountable odds is powerful even the second time...
(Sheesh, I'm such a Nancy...)
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