My focus has been on the rules for a relay race. The following (of the 25) points for relay races have been have been especially intriguing to me...
2. Each take-over zone shall be 20m long of which the scratch line is the center. The zones shall start and finish at the edges of the zone lines nearest the start line in the running direction.
12. The baton shall be carried by hand throughout the race. If dropped, it shall be recovered by the athlete who dropped it. He/she may leave the assigned lane to retrieve the baton, provided no other runner is impeded and provided that by doing so, the distance to be covered is not lessened.
14. In all relay races, the baton shall be passed within the take-over zone. The passing of the baton commences when it is first touched by the receiving runner and is completed the moment it is in the hand of only the receiving runner. In relation to the take-over zone, it is only the position of the baton that is decisive, and not the position of the bodies or limbs of the runners. Passing the baton outside the take-over zone shall result in disqualification.
24. All members of the relay team must be identifiable as team members. Team identification shall be clearly visible and shall distinguish one team from another. Where this is not accomplished by the meet's issuing items such as letters or distinguishing numbers, team members shall wear an identifying article, such as an identical singlet or shirt.
25. The baton shall be a smooth hollow circular tube made of wood, metal or other rigid material in one piece. Its length shall be between 28 and 30cm. Its circumference shall be 12-13cm and it shall weigh not less than 50g. No material or substance may be applied to the baton.
Why do these specific rules intrigue me? I guess you'll just have to come and find out.
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