Thursday, July 30, 2009

What If? #4 - K.I.N.

WHAT IF NMC Student Ministries took an entire year to seriously address the issues of KIDS IN NEED?

For the past 3 years, NMC Student Ministries have partnered with ministries in Africa to see a move of God.
In 2007, Maasai Night raised $15,000 for the Maasai Project.
In 2008, Kenya Night raised over $25,000 for the the AGC Baby Center and the Maasai Project.
In 2009, Rwanda Night raised $20,000 for the Rwanda Exodus Conference.

Each of these efforts featured months of preperation and a week of events organized and led by students. Each of this efforts can really be traced back to one of the original WHAT IF?s we formally presented to our students. "WHAT IF NMC Student Ministries came behind an effort to share God's love with a tribe halfway around the world?"

The product of these three nights are tens of thousands coming to know Christ, as many as 100 churches planted, abandoned babies being rescued and brought to health, and movements that will continue for years to come.

As the Student Ministries Staff spent time thinking and dreaming and decided to take a different approach and present our students with a new WHAT IF? (that being the one at the top of this post). As a part of stirring the dreaming, students were simply presented with some of the statistics surrounding situations Children are facing in the world today...

If you are reading this on facebook, you cannot view the slideshow that is inserted here... go to to view it.

We're still in the dreaming process, and some things are starting to take form. I believe this may be a year where we see the move of God ushered in a new way because students took their time, talents, & treasures and leveraged them to address an issue that clearly moves the heart of their Savior.

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Here are some other "What-ifers"