Thursday, September 24, 2009

Katylynn's Feelings on the Big Announcement

Katylynn is now putting sentences together.
"I watching Minnie."
"Daddy's home!"
"Where Mommy Go?"
"I go poopie."
"I wake upping."
They're far from grammatically correct, but it's evidence that she is processing thoughts. It's really getting fun.

She has also learned her "yes" from her "no". The only way she gets confused is when she's not sure what is being asked.

That's why I wasn't sure about her response when we first asked her, "Katylynn, do you want a little brother or sister?"
Her face lit up, and with a big smile, she said "Yes!"

The interesting thing is that we have asked her that question multiple times over the past month. Every time we've asked, her face lights up, and with a big smile, she says, "Yes!"

It's been a very cool response to see because it's so unique to any other. I really think she gets it, and I really believe that God has confirmed this move in her heart as well.

*Disclaimer: I know some reading this might want to walk up and ask Katylynn, "Do you want a little brother or sister?" to see her response. If you could do us a favor and refrain, we'd appreciate it. May sound like a weird request, but there's a long road ahead, and we want to keep her paced on what all is happening.

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