Tuesday, October 06, 2009

The 33s: Oh The Places You'll Go

33 places I would have never found myself if it weren't for Student Ministries:
  1. Screaming "I want it" along the shores of Lake Erie (Summer Camp).
  2. Lima Airport 3 times (IMPACT trips).
  3. In a hot spring on the Andes baptizing new believers (IMPACT Peru).
  4. Walking through an agricultural strike (IMPACT Peru).
  5. A stage with 400 Indian youth looking on (India Youth-O-Rama).
  6. Standing outside Mother Teresa's Home (India).
  7. Westmister Abby (in transit to India).
  8. Eating Lunch with Rob Bell at TGIFridays in Mishawaka (thanks to an invite from Terry Linhart).
  9. Worshiping in Nashville with 10,000 other youth workers (Youth Specialties Conference 2005).
  10. Standing before multiple couples (former students) as they exchange their vows.
  11. A Basement in Nebraska dreaming with Caleb Bislow on how we could partner with his efforts.
  12. Emergency room at 1:00 a.m. as we wait to hear news on a young man's dad who was in a motorcycle accident.
  13. The Behavorial wing of the Elkhart General Hospital while helping a teen fight back against the suicidal temptations.
  14. Approximately 250 different homes of Graduating Seniors as we celebrate their milestone.
  15. In the basement of the YMC crying out to God to see Him move.
  16. At the foot of the toppled World Trade Center sharing about Jesus.
  17. Across the table from the star football basketball player as he admits he often wants to quit and step out from all the pressures.
  18. In Terry's office talking, praying, dreaming, arguing, venting, encouraging, listening, and/or crying.
  19. Spring Hill Camp with Jason and Chris as we dream up a Winter Retreat, and in the process we connect with each other.
  20. In a room with students as they truly let the words "What If?" become "Why Not?" and eventually, "Let's do this!"
  21. On a stage acting as a Crocodile Hunter to drive home a point on abandoning your Comfort Zone (3DYC).
  22. A Basketball court in the Dominican Republic getting schooled by the locals (IMPACT).
  23. Panama City Beach Spring Break, watching teenagers flood the streets, and having my heart break for the hurts that would be self-inflicted that night (Cutting Edge Tour).
  24. Oklahoma City bombing Site (Cutting Edge Tour).
  25. Worship Center Stage, opening up God's Word.
  26. Brown City Camp (in all my travels, still maybe the most mysterious place I've ever been).
  27. Baptismal in the church in Juarez, baptizing a couple who were impacted by our students (IMPACT).
  28. Enough basketball games, tennis matches, musicals, dance recitals to last a life time.
  29. Cedar Point enough times that I actually don't enjoy the roller coasters.
  30. Kneeling next to a student as he says the words, "God, I give it all to you."
  31. The office I type this from.
  32. Personal dark, inner spaces where motive, attitude, and convictions are far from pretty.
  33. Deep inner places where the only thing of beauty to be found is the Savior who has set me free.

1 comment:

(rescueisnotamyth) said...

this... wow! you have had so many opportunities, and it is amazing to see many of them in one place. thank you.