Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I Need Desperate Times In My Life

Sunday, I worshiped God with an intensity, focus, and freshness I haven't experienced in a while.
In the past two weeks, I have found myself turning the radio off in my car so I can pray and listen for His still small voice.
This morning, the scriptures jumped from the page of my Bible to my heart. They resonated deep within.
I have been very conscientious of surrounding myself with prayer warriors.

In about 48 hours I board a bus for 11 days with a team of students heading to Kenya, followed by 8 days of ministry with Caleb Bislow in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. In the midst of the details, the opportunities, and the reality of what I'm stepping into... I'm desperate.

I'm desperate to see God direct.
I'm desperate to see God move.
I'm desperate for strength and energy.
I'm desperate because I know I can't do this on my own.

I wish I could say I was always this desperate. I mean if you really look at those 4 sentences above, what isn't true of any and every moment of my life? Yet, I'm grateful for seasons like this one in my life where I just can't escape it. It's too unfamiliar and too obvious that I need Him for me to turn anywhere else.

When is the last time you found yourself in desperation for God?
Is it time to see that happen?

1 comment:

Denny said...

Praying for you and the trip. Praying for Katylynn during this time. Praying for that same kind of desperation on a daily basis.