Monday, May 17, 2010

A Big Celebration and A Chance to Take Part in A Miracle

This Wednesday Night we will be having our K.I.N. celebration, where we will take time to close out our school year focus on Kids In Need. We will celebrate we have Gained Awareness and Given Sacrificially, and consider how we plan to Live Differently from here on out.

As a special part of the night, we are going to take to be taking a special offering for a project I encountered while in Rwanda in April. An email Pastor Jason Thompson sent out today explains the situation very well.
At the "Kids In Need" Celebration this Wednesday night, we'll be taking an offering to help build a church in the Pygmy tribe of Rwanda where. Last school year, as a result of Rwanda Night and the Silent Auction, our students helped make possible a Rwandan Exodus Conference that resulted in the planting of over 30 churches in remote and unchurched areas of Rwanda.

One of the churches that was planted as a result of this Exodus, was in the Pygmy tribe. For only $1,400, we can now build these people a church building to meet in.

The stakes are high because unless the Pygmies have a formal meeting place (meaning a building), they will not be allowed to continue meeting as a church body. There is a law in Rwanda that was put into place shortly after the Rwandan Genocide that said people were not allowed to have formal outdoor gatherings in one location for an undetermined amount of time.

The Pygmies have less than 6 months to build a church. We would love to leave Wednesday night with enough money to build the Pygmies a church building before they are no longer allowed to meet!

The Pgymy pastor believes it will take a "miracle" of God for this to happen. Wouldn't it be cool for your student to be apart of someone else's "miracle"?
I'm excited to see NMC take part in this special miracle.

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