Thursday, October 28, 2010

What Gets Me Fired Up #9 - A Change of Scenery

I live in a community and culture that tends to embrace change at a very slow pace.  I am a member and victim of this culture.  I'm a member in that I like to have a level of comfort and pacing as a part of my life.  I'm a victim that deep down, my creative tendencies love to switch it up and try something different.

I especially benefit from a change of scenary.  A few examples from this week that have made this very clear:
  • The Fall:  Something comes alive in me during the Fall Season.  I find the creation-lover in me coming to life.  Trees, crops, and sunsets sum up why I love this time of year.  In all cases it is the literal change in scenery that is unfolding before my eyes.  I see the reality of a mighty, loving, and beautiful Creator as I enjoy the changing of his creation.
  • The Office Switch:  Jason Thompson took one more step into the dark side by moving out of the Student Ministries wing and into the Main Office area.  In the process, we made some shifts which put me in Jason's old office.  This change of scenery has me fired up to be at work.
  • Study Time:  If I really need to get some preperation or study time in for a message.  I'm best if it's done outside of the church.  I switch between ou Main Street Coffee House and Martin's.  But in both cases, getting out of the church setting and having a change in scenery fires up my mind.
  • Vacation Time:  After church Sunday, Janelle, Katylynn and I will be heading to Detroit for the night then on to Florida for 11 days of Vacation.  I'm so fired up for family and fun time, but I'm also up for getting out of Nappanee.  Not because I hate Nappanee (I'm actually quite fond of it), but because there's just something in me that gets refreshed when getting out of the normal environment and into another one.
I love the familiarity of my home, my family, my job, and my Savior.   At the same time I hate the monotony that can come in my life if I just keep going through the motions of day to day.  Give me a change of scenery, and I give you some extra effort because that's what gets me fired up.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Reading this reminds me how much your cousin needs a change of scenery & a vacation. Unfortunately, he is in a career that is still being strangled by the economy. If only his income was portioned based on how hard he works! Ugh! Anyway, our choice is either to pay our mortgage or take a vacation. He has chosen against being homeless. I am thankful that somebody in this world can afford a vacation. Have a great time!