Monday, December 13, 2010

60 Days of Beauty: Day 13 - IMPACT

At NMC Student Ministries, our Summer Missions trip application process is a fairly tedious process.  A significant part of that process took place yesterday.  We had our interviews.  The interview process includes both parents and students.  From 1-6 yesterday, I watched the process unfold as our 3 staff and 6 leaders of this year's trip to the Dominican Republic walked students & parents through the commitment and asked questions to gauge each students emotional, physical and spiritual readiness.

As I said, the process is a bit tedious.  Some have told us it's overkill.  Yet, I look at how we've been able to trasfrom IMPACT (as we call this) from a trip to a discipleship/life experience, and I know we've found something beautiful.  Hundreds of students have stepped beyond simply going on a short term missions trip and feeling good about themselves for performing a duty.  In fact, as I was driving about 10 miles an hour home from the church, faces and names of those who took part in the IMPACT process began to run through my head.  It was a  long line of now teachers, doctors, nurses, pastors, pastors' spouses, missionaries, and many other occupations who are now serving Jesus with a global and missionary mindset.

That 8 minute drive (usually about 4, thanks snow for the extra memories) was beautiful drive!

1 comment:

blckspdr said...

hey I'm one of those pastors!