Thursday, December 16, 2010

60 Days of Beauty Project: Day 16 - Light bulbs

Yesterday I sat with a couple who are blazing a trail in youth ministry in a tough area.  The opportunities are endless and the burden runs deep for them.  I sat with another girzzled veteran in Youth Ministries to serve a sounding board and offer counsel.  As we shared stories, burdens, and ideas... that beautiful moment came.

After that meeting I sat with some of our leadership team for our IMPACT team to the Dominican Republic.  As we were walking through and brainstorming the training process... the beautiful moment happened.

Last night I had the opportunity to share with our Senior High students about the differences between Integrity and Hypocrisy.  A major frustration I have on this topic is the unfair labeling we will give to hypocrisy.  As I walked through the reality that, if we truly hold to the truth of the bible, imperfection cannot equal hypocrisy in Christianity... I saw the beautiful moment take place in a student in the crowd.

After church last night, I went into our office I saw our Preteen intern and asked how the night went. For the final night of the Semester, each Preteen Workshop shares a report on what they have been learning and doing. As she explained how the night wen... the beautiful moment happened.

"What is that beautiful moment," you may ask?  It's the moment where a thought, idea, or reality settles deep into a person's heart or mind.  It settles in so deep that that person's face cannot mask the revelation that has happened.  The persons countenance and expression light up.  It's almost light a sparkle hits the person's eyes.  I call it the Light bulb moment.

When I take time to question why God has placed me on this earth, I believe one major reason is to help creat light bulb moments in those around me.

When I see those light bulb moments happen, it is beautiful.

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