Thursday, January 06, 2011

60 Days of Beauty: Day 37 - Responding to Vision

We held out a vision last night to our 5th-12th grade students to see if they would grab it: 40 students praying for Teens in Crisis and Human Trafficking every day till the end of the school year.  It was fairly simple.  Students select a day of the week to be their day and select an issue to be their issue.  They can pray for 5 minutes on that day or they can pray for 5 hours.  They can pray by themselves or they can get together with a group.  They can fast from a meal and pray.  They can journal their prayers.  Ultimately the form and method of prayer is not the point.  The focus of the prayer and the corporate step of prayer is the key.
For Human trafficking, there are 4 categories of focus to our prayer:
1. The Victims.
2. The anti-trafficking ministries and organizations.
3. The Traffickers.
4. The Spiritual Realm.

For Teens in Crisis, there are 4 categories of focus to our prayer:
1. Our Peers in crisis.
2. NMC Student Ministries.
3. Ministries working with Teens in Crisis (mainly RETA and Groundwire).
4. The Spiritual Realm.

At the close of the night, 500+ 5th-12th Grade Students were invited to respond and commit. The response was a BEAUTIFUL mass of humanity.  

We were hoping to reach our goal by next Wednesday,In one night of commitments from students, we pretty much met the goal. Only a Friday and Saturday have a few more slots.
A Beautiful response to pray that God could make beauty from the ashes of two significant issues in our world today.

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