Thursday, July 20, 2006

Who is the true Hero?

Just finished watching the extended version of Return of the King (which by the way a new limitted edition DVD set of the trilogy comes out August 28... why must you do this to me Peter Jackson?)
I'd like to further assert my #2 Argument by posing this question with my opinion:


What about Gandalf? The great overseer of it all. Gandalf sacrifices himself for the cause. He comes back stronger than ever. He is the one who gives guidance to all those involved in the great story.
Yet, Gandalf is just a little too much of guide to be the true hero. He's a little removed from the final outcome of the story. He gets the journey going, and he is there throughout, but there just seems to be some more key individuals doing the "dirty work."


Maybe it could be Aragorn. The hesitant King in waiting. The one who will restore the kingly throne of mankind. In him stepping up into his calling, he helps distract Sauren enough that the ring can be destroyed.
Yet, that's the issue. If I had my choice to be one character, I'd have to be Aragorn. He's tough. He's mysterious. He's noble. He's cool. He gets the girl in the end. But, he needs the ringbearer to get him to where he needs to be.

So the most obvious answer is Frodo. The ring bearer. He is the unlikely and unassuming hobbit who takes on the burden of the one ring that could destroy the world unless he destroys it. A great character. A definite hero.
Yet, the mission chose him much more than he chose it. And remember how the ring was destroyed? Did he really destroy it? Had Gollum not attacked him, Frodo would be the goat of the story.

Which brings us to an unlikely hero candidate, Gollum. The anti-hero of sorts. Controlled by the ring. Out to get it himself. Scheming and seeking to destroy anything and anyone who gets in the way of his "precious".
Yet, was it not he who destroyed the ring? You can't help but feel a little sympathetic toward Gollum. But clearly not a heroic moment when he destroyed the ring.

Here's my true hero:

Samwise Gamgee is a true hero. Selfless. Yes, his role is seemingly to play second fiddle to Frodo. But when did Sam fail? When did Sam fall short? He could have taken the ring at one point, he didn't.
He is loyal.
He has a pure heart.
He fought for his master and friend.
He carried Frodo when Frodo could go no further.

"I made a promise... Don't you leave him Samwise Gamgee. And I don't mean to. I don't mean to."

Who wouldn't want a Samwise Gamgee in their life?
Who wouldn't want to be able to say, "I was a Samwise Gamgee to someone else"?


Corey Mann said...

I don't know if I ever showed you the video I made of LORD O' RINGS with CREED "Who's Got My Back"? Anyway-I love Samwise! "I can't carry your burden, but I can carry you!"
Who can stand against The original Goonie, Rudy, Gamjee, Gale from "24"?

Anonymous said...

i did a paper on this last semester and i found that gollum was a true hero since he was the one to destroy the ring and save all of middle earth but samwise is a good choice.....

Professor Prenkert said...

In Jackson's film, I think Sam is highlighted inordinately, becuase I think Jackson sees himself in Sam.