Sunday, December 03, 2006

31 Memories of 2006: Memory #3... Books

While I was in India, I read Velvit Elvis By Rob Bell. This was my 1st book of '06. I didn't inhale a ton of books this year, but here's my top 5:

5. Celebration of Discipline by Richard Foster: Our IMPACT team went through this book, so I read it for the 3rd time. It's just a great book. It reminds me of the joy that's found in obedience and the deeds that back up my faith.

4. The Magician's Nephew by CS Lewis: I read The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe in '05 before watching the movie, so I decided to go back and read some of the other books from the Chronicles of Narnia. This was another 2nd read. I love the Narnia series; they revive my imagination and creativity.

3. High School Confidential by Jeremy Iverson: I've talked about this book quite a bit recently, so I won't do much more. Read what I said here and here.

2. Velvit Elvis by Rob Bell: It inspired me, frustrated me, offended me, and made me think. It was in reading this book and thinking back to McManus's Barbarian Way that I was inspired to stop being a Christian and start living as a Christ Follower.

1. The Bible: Sorry if it sounds trite and overdone, but the reality is that the best stuff was written in this book, and the rest is just commentary.

Honorable Mention: I am Not but I know I am by Louie Giglio; Engaging the Soul of Youth Culture by Walt Mueller, The Beginner's Guide to Intercession by Dutch Sheets.

I'm hoping for '07 to be marked by a few more books read.

(Sorry for the lameness of this post. I've suddently lost my ability to bold, link, and put up pictres.)

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