Sunday, July 15, 2007

My Hour in the Prayer Room

Last night at 2:54 am I woke up with the 5 guys in my cottage group, and we headed down to the prayer room. Peggy Bearss's Cottage group was finishing up their designated time. They took time to pray for us and "pass the prayer" torch. We decided to go in to start and look through what others had written and take time to agree with or support them in prayer.
Personally, I was drawn to the map of our area that showed the schools represented. I began to read students passionate, broken cries for a move of God in their schools...
Elkhart Christian Academy

I took time to actually lay hands on a few of the prayers that had been written and prayed for the writers of those prayers.

From there, I moved over the "Be With" wall. This wall is a spot where you can intercede on behalf of those who are hurting, lost, or in need of a touch from God and then write their initials on the wall. As I scanned the board, my eyes hit a very creatively (multiple markers) spot that said...

"DP and BB... Guide them as the prepare us for Battle."

Someone had taken time to pray for Derry Prenkert and Brad Bullock. I was broken and touched.

The guys and I continued on in our time of prayer, taking our own time to seek Him with our own prayers and requests.

To be honest, I figured we had at least a 1/2 hour more when the next girls group showed up.
The guys couldn't believe we were done.

I can't tell you what it's like to be in a little 12 X 10 room that has been drenched with so much prayer. I was struck with the reality that the world will never be the same as a result of the prayers and pray-ers who have been there thus far.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

WOW. Not much more than that. WOW.