Friday, August 31, 2007

5 Sites

Here's the scenario... due to a freak accident involving your modem and Mountain Dew, you are only able to visit 5 Websites...meaning a domain name and all the pages that fit inside that domain name.
You cannot get to any page that links outside the domain. Once you've typed in the 5th website in the address bar, your computer is locked into those sites forever.

Where do you go?

My List:
  1. - Cheap, but I would go here. So much of my web activity filters through google and its afilliates... google reader would allow me to access much of the blog and news world without leaving the google domain, google maps would help me getting where I want to go, google's picasa helps me manage and display photos, I'm just starting to use google calendar as my scheduler, google analytics shows me the basic traffic in and out of my blog... I think you're getting it.
  2. - Interestingly, owned by google. Often highlighted on this blog as the spot to find random, funny, and sometimes mind-blowing videos, Youtube offers much more. I don't know how many times I've gone to youtube to find that news story I missed the night before on the major news network, or to see the "big play" that won the game, or to check out the new music video from whoever is hot right now, or to see how the office cast spent their summer.
  3. - I love blogging... so I'd continue coming to this site and writing stuff. Oddly enough, blogger is powered by Google as well.
  4. - This is my main online study stop! Most of my lesson or message prep involves at least one stop at this site.
  5. - Really the only reason I would need Yahoo is for the Fantasy Sports. This would be a tough call because I would have to sacrifice my fantasy team... but I'm trying to think for the greater good here.
The reality is that AT LEAST 80% of my internet time is spent on the 5 sites mentioned above.

There you have it. You've read this. Now you're tagged. Let the world know where you go!

*edit... how brilliant is it that I misspelled my own website? It's so pathetic that I'm not even going to change it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wikipedia would be my #1