Sunday, November 25, 2007

God's Provision From God's People

I'll be honest, we didn't go into this whole "having a baby" thing very prepared.

I mean, we were more than ready emotionally and spiritually, but on a more practical level...

I know most couples' first baby tends to go this way, but throw in 2 months of knowing it's a possibility followed by 2 weeks of knowing it's coming, and it can really rock your world.
  • Outside of a baby bath purchased on a hope that we'd use it some day, we had no baby care supplies in our house whatsoever.
  • We were about to switch from a 2-income home to a 1-income home with very little preparation.
  • An adoption costs money.
Still, with the unmistakable knowledge that God was in this, we stepped out and obeyed, trusting he would provide. Well...
  • To date, we have not bought any diapers. Actually, we may very well have enough diapers to put a diaper on every person in Nappanee. This is due in large part to our Senior High Small Group Leaders who brought in a ton of diapers to our training meeting last Monday.
  • We have not had to purchase a single nursery supply. Our good friends, who are done having kids, gave us their crib and changing table... that's right, gave it to us. On of our Small Churches as NMC took an offering to buy us a dresser for baby clothes. My Sister-in-law gave us her carseat. My In-laws gave us a glider they've had waiting for a mommy to rock her baby to sleep.
  • We have not had to purchase any clothing. Our friend let us use her daughter's baby clothes until we had enough of our own. Well, we return those clothes to that friend today, and we've got enough clothes for the first year of her life.
  • Come to think of it, we haven't had to purchase anything. Up to this point, between hand-me-downs, gift cards, and gifts, I don't think we've had to spend a single dollar out of our own pockets on this girl.
  • We have been financially blesses in unique ways. Without going into detail, we have received funds to help cover the adoption costs in some pretty amazing ways.

Katylynn, you are one blessed little baby who is loved by a ton of people!

I hope this does not come off as bragging... far from it. It is very humbling to write these things above.

I hope that instead what comes across is when you seek God... when you step out into the unknown... when you honor God with obedience... you may very well be blown away by the amazing provision of God that comes through God's people.

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