Thursday, December 13, 2007

Wednesday Recap - Activities and causes

Last Night we closed out the Move In Our World series by setting up the round tables. We had students sit in their Small Groups. If someone was not a part of a Small Group, they could join a friend that has a Small Group, or head to one of several tables we had ready for those not in Small Groups. In an effort to leave plenty of time for discussion, we did no music.

The focus on the night came out of a story told of Mother Teresa's reply to an individual who wrote her advice on how to join in her efforts. Her reply back included the statement, "Find your own Calcutta."

Students went through a little exercise where they thought of one activity they love to do, and one cause or issue they are extremely passionate about.

We took a look at Colossians 3:23 and then considered these two questions:
  1. How can I glorify God in the activity I love to do?
  2. How can I glorify God through the cause that I'm passionate about?
Then, the big question...
How can I combine the activity I love to do with the cause that I'm passionate about to glorify god and advance His Kingdom.

We took a look at some individuals who have done this...
  • David was a shepherd boy who seemed to enjoy using his slingshot. He was passionate about making sure the God he served was known to be the one true God. These two combined the moment he brought down Goliath.
  • Caleb Bislow loves adventerous travel and is passionate about sharing the Gospel in dark places. Those two have combined to become The Maasai Project. This included a phone call to Caleb in Colorado to talk about what's going on right now with the project.
  • Kristen loves to draw. Something hit her concerning The Maasai Project. Those two combined as she drew a picture of a Maasai and it was auctioned off on Maasai Night. The proceeds went to the Maasai Project.
  • We closed by watching this video about Austin Gutwein and Hoops 4 Hope; a 12 year old who's taken his love for basketball and passion to assist those in Africa suffering the effects of AIDS.
The conversations I have had as a result of this series have been extremely encouraging. Teens really trying to wrestle through how they can partner with God to change the World... and I'm stupid enough to believe they can!

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