Saturday, December 15, 2007

Xanga Memories - Busy?

Written December 19, 2005 on my xanga blog... thought it was fitting for this time of year.

So the following scenerio probably happened over a million times across the U.S. today. Two people cross paths.
Person 1: hey, how's life?
Person 2: great thanks. How are you?
Person 1: Good. Man, I'm busy. Lot's of stuff going on. Are you keeping busy?
Person 2: Oh yeah. All kinds of things happening.

So here's my questions...
Is busy good?
Are we really that busy?
Is busy a badge we should wear or is it a curse that we carry?

So there's a story about St. Francis of Assisi. He is one of my heros. Wrote "All Creatures of our God and King." Anyway, he was a passionate, intimate follower of Christ. The story is told that one day while he was working in his garden, one of his disciples asked him, "What would you do if you found out Christ was going to return tomorrow?"

His answer: "I'd keep working in my garden."

How passionate am I right now?
How content am I?
Do I need more activities in my life?
Do I need more stuff?
Do I need more projects?

Or do I just need more Jesus?

My thoughts tonight. Somewhat random, but all reminding me that it's pretty easy to get out of focus...

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