Fledfrom Egypt.
Hiding Out.
Far from anywhere significant, or anything significant.
Burning Bush.
God Speaks. "Moses! Moses!"
Moses: "Here I am."
Sandals Off.
Holy Ground.
God Speaks again: "... So now, go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out from Egypt." (3:10)
God calls Moses toward significance. Great things, mighty things...
And the response of Moses?
"Who am I, that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the Israelites out of Egypt?"
Moses freaks out! He goes into a big question and answer session with God... take some time to read through Exodus 3 & 4 and you 'll see a guy severely doubting if God's found the right guy...
Question 1 - "Who am I?" (3: 11)
Question 2 - "Who are You?" (3: 13)
Question 3 - "What if they don't listen to me?" "(4:1)
Question 4 - "I'm no good at speaking. How will I do this?" (4:10)
Question 5 - "Are you sure you have the right guy?" (4:11)
So Moses isn't sure when his moment to be a part of something significant comes? Doesn't that go against my earlier assertion that there is something in us all that yearns to be connected with greatness or significance?
Not really. Put yourself in Moses' sandals (which at this point in his life are off because he's standing on holy ground). The voice speaking to him out of that bush, by all accounts that is his first encounter with YAHWEH. Add in the fact that God is calling him to go back to the very place he has fled from. To return could very well mean his death. Also, he has seen first hand the situation that the Isrealites are in and he has served in the Egyptian Empire who he would be going against...
Moses rose to the call, but not without having to wrestle through the doubts, fears, and risk.
So, I present you with "The Moses Factor"...
When God calls you toward something significant, expect doubts, fears, and risk.
You are just FLAT OUT BRILLIANT!!!
Love your blog Derry!
So true! I was freaked out and had so many doubts all summer before I left for school. I wanted to give in so much, but didn't. And I've never regretted it since! Big things require you to truly trust God. Thanks for this series, it has taught me a lot already.
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