Thursday, April 24, 2008

New Poll

Lost is back on ABC tomorrow night after a month break.
Janelle and I were talking about how we haven't seen a whole lot of promo, publicity and hype leading into tomorrow's episode. We were thinking ABC was missing out on their major cash cow. We realized this wasn't the case. The reality is that we watch no other shows on ABC but LOST.

This got me thinking about the major networks... and led me to a new poll.

Which major network would be easiest for you to live without? For clarity, you lose all programming on this station. You can't watch the shows on DVD, online, itunes, etc. Assuming that CW would likely be the overwhelming answer, I am not including it.

For me, it comes down to FOX and CBS, but in the end, FOX wins, or loses... I mean it gets my vote.

ABC has LOST. Even though that's it, it's far and away my favorite show. NBC has The Office, Second best show, but also the Law & Orders, Heroes, My Name is Earl, Scrubs, 30 Rock, Conan O'Brien, Sunday Night Football. CBS has Shark (okay, but not huge), but it also has AFC Football... love to watch the Colts. FOX has 24, American Idol, NFC Football and MLB. Hate to say goodbye to those, but it has to be someone.

What about you? What gets your vote and why?


KLantz said...


I wish they'd all go away though.


3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1650 sq ft Ranch said...

Sorry, but I got to say ABC.

I liked LOST a lot when it started, but to tell you the truth - it felt a little like an updated "Gilligan's Island."

Anyways, I could do without FOX if it weren't for my unhealthy obsession with American Idol.

Phil Strahm said...
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Phil Strahm said...

NBC is least important when it comes to sports.

But the number of shows I watch pretty much consists of Scrubs, My Name is Earl, and The Office. That's reality tv or hour-long "adventure" shows.

So, NBC has to stay.
CBS has college bball.
Fox has NFL and World Series.
ABC has big time college football and worthless ACC bball (and Scrubs will move to ABC next fall).

Alright, since NBC has no good sports I've changed my mind.

So long NBC....I will have to get my comedic relief from The Simpsons and old Seinfeld reruns.