Friday, June 06, 2008

Great insight from today

Stated by Rev. David Engbrecht...

There is a difference between being in charge and being in control.

The context was a leadership discussion concerning the dangers of hyper control verses allowing God to do what He's going to do.

This afternoon, that thought has stirred up a "faith lesson" and a "skill leason" for me:

Faith Lesson: In my calling in life, God has entrusted me to be in charge of raising up generations that will radically live out a relationship with Christ. I'm in charge of making that call happen. Yet, I must be careful to not control how that is going to happen, and what it is going to look like.

Skill Lesson: As I self examine how I lead others, I find too often find myself leaning toward control freak, or complete neglect (not always, but enough to see a need for refining). One of my goals is to significantly improve in the areas of delegation and empowerment. I'm working on setting some benchmarks to measure this over the next school year. As I'm "in charge" of an area of ministry, I want to be where I don't have to be in control of everything under that umbrella.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck to you on finding that balance. You will apply it to not only your leadership at church but also with your wife and children. It will morph as well but also help define your trust/faith in your Savior.
