Wednesday, February 11, 2009

A Whirlwind of Memories

It's been a whirlwind of emotions, planning, preperation, reuniting with distant (in geography) friends and relatives, and carry-in meals (I'm fairly certain a side effect of tragedy is obesity).

There have been some very cool posts we have been shown across the blog world in tribute to dad.
  • Denny Owens (dad's pastor for several years) gave his reflections, and asked dad to keep a hoop open for him.
  • Dan Weiss (best man in my wedding) gave his reflections from afar, and summed up well what any of us could learn from my dad.
  • Andrew Whitehead (Waky boy, former NMC student, and English student of dad) may have captured the heart and soul of my dad as best anybody could in his post.
  • Steve Gall (my brother Jamie's best friend through High School) shared his perspective and continued relationship with dad.
  • Shelley Flickinger (Dad's Niece-in-law) shows the family man who stretched beyond his immediate relatives.
  • Joe Bennett (former arch-rival in basketball to my big bro, fellow teacher with my dad) shares a classic memory about my dad, the teacher.
  • WNDU's story (check out the video) on dad that they did at NorthWood.
In all, very fitting tributes. This morning I realized that in the whirlwind of memories shared and thought, I haven't had a negative memory of dad creep in. It's not that he was perfect, it's just that I am very blessed to say I had an amazingly consistent, caring, unique, what-you-see-is-what-you-get dad.

Thanks to all for the incredible support from so many. As we head into the official mourning ceremonies, many of us find ourselves ready to celebrate a life well lived, and a Savior now seen face to face!


Janet Stone said...

Derry please know that you and your family are in our prayers here at NLF. Your Dad sounds like he was a wonderful person and has left a great legacy. We really appreciate you and the way that you are...we know is partly due to him. We thank you Jesus for the gift of Kelvin Prenkert...and for the gift of his son, Derry. Please continue to be with all them, especially right now. Amen.

Anonymous said...


I am so sorry to hear the news of your fathers passing. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

Sara (Klopfenstein) Kiley

Anonymous said...


You and your family will be in my prayers.

-Jon Schrock

Cindy said...

We had been praying for Kip and your whole family and were so sorry to hear about your loss. I'm praying for you all today as you attend the funeral. I can't think of a lot to say that won't sound like a cliche, but just know we are asking the Lord to hold you all in His arms and get you through the heartbreak.

Cindy (Caitlin Baum's mom)