Friday, June 05, 2009

Awesome. Just Awesome.

My friend, Caleb Bislow believes in going to the 13th Floor.

He explains that most buildings in America don't have a 13th Floor due to the superstitions surrounding it. To Christians, he explains the "13th Floor" as a location that is run from. Caleb wants to run to the places many Christian run from.

In 2004, while Caleb was watching the reality show Survivor, he sensed God speaking to him. It was the location the "game" was taking place... the South Pacific Vanuatu Islands. Five years later Caleb stepped foot on the islands. Especially exciting to me is the fact that one our NMC's own, Kory Lantz was with him. Caleb's telling the stories about their experience over at his blog, but these two videos show the amazing things that can happen when someone is willing to go to the 13th Floor...

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