Wednesday, August 26, 2009

K.I.N. - The Big Idea

A Year Dedicated to GAINING and GIVING.

Gaining awareness on the most significant issues facing kids worldwide.
Giving sacrificially of our time, talents, and treasures to address those needs.

The Major Issues:
Poverty: 1 out of every 2 children live in poverty
Education: 1 out of every 4 children has to work instead of go to school.
Health: 2.2 million children die every year because they are not immunized.
AIDS: 15 million African children are orphaned due to AIDS.
Hunger: Every 6 seconds a child dies of hunger.Trafficking: 400,000 children are abducted and taken across international borders every year. The majority are sold into slavery or prostitution.
Abortion: 1 million+ legal abortions are performed yearly in the United States.

Jesus said, "Whatever you did to one of the least of these brothers or sisters (a.k.a. our "kin") you did to me."
As we reach out to assist kids in need, we are hoping to allow children the opportunity to experience life, and ultimately experiencing life in all its fullness through Jesus Christ.

Everyone Gets Involved!
1. Individually – Personally gain awareness and give sacrificially
2. Group – As a Small Group adopt an issue or ministry and get involved.
3. All of Student Ministries – Large scale events focused on gaining and giving.

Keys to remember:
  • GAIN and GIVE go together. We don’t want to just become aware and then do nothing, and we don’t want to give without knowing why we are giving.
  • It’s about more than fundraising. We deeply desire to get the resources to kids in need, but that’s more than just money. It involves time, education.
  • It starts with you. Before we even consider how to bring others in on this journey, every one of us needs to personally get involved.
  • Dream Big and creatively. Think outside the box in how you can get involved. Allow God to blow you away.
  • Give till it hurts. This isn’t about doing a little something. It’s about prayerfully considering sacrificially giving of our time, talents and treasures.
  • In the end, it’s all about Jesus.

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