Sunday, October 31, 2010

How Do I Know?

We are in the midst of a 5 week series titled Happily Ever After? (thanks to  Josh and the gang at Saddleback HSMfor letting us rip of the series and artwork).

The series is focused on seeking to discover God's views on High School romance, dating and sexuality.
In week 2 of our Series, we split out the gals and guys for one of my favorite nights.  I led a guys panel with the girls, and Geoff interviewed a gals panel for the guys where we answered questions to help better understand the opposite sex.

In the gals panel, one question we weren't able to get to was, "What are some of the qualities I should be looking for in a guy that will help me know he has integrity and loves God?

I promised the gals I would get our guys panels response and post it here on the blog so they can see.  Here's what the guys said:

  • Does he value honesty?  Is he an honest person?
  • Is he Kind - to all, not just those he's trying to impress?
  • Does he show respect - to females, in particular?
  • Does he treats his mom well?
  • Has he set his boundaries set far away from the sin line?
  • Would you be proud to introduce him to your parents?
  • Is the guy “other-centered” or “self-centered”?
  • How does the guy treat others? Especially the “least of these”? Is he kind and considerate or does he make fun of others?
  • How does the guy treat girls? No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but does he consistently exhibit the fruits of the Holy Spirit? Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.
  • Does the guy encourage the girl…spur her on in her walk with the Lord? Does a relationship with the guy seem to assist in drawing her closer to the Lord or is it pulling her further away from God?
  • Does his life show evidence that he is following Christ?  It is a myth to believe that someone has truly accepted Christ, yet there is no sign of a transformed life.
  • Where are his priorities?  How important are church attendance or other opportunities to deepen his walk with God?
  • Does he speak up when given opportunities to talk about his relationship with God?  Some guys may be more quiet than others, but if he never takes the opportunity to talk, there may be room for questions.
I love the thoughts the guys shared.  Hope you pay attention to them gals.

Hey mature Christian guys, throw out some of your thoughts on the topic in the comments section if you'd like.

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